OppoGames is a full-stack social-gaming site, showcasing use of the MERN stack, Socket.io and Tailwind CSS.
Users can sign up, log in, and play a number of mini-games 1v1 with other users. Users can see their opponents moves in real-time. This was a group project we created as a final project in my Software Engineering Bootcamp with Makers Academy.
what I did
I played a key role in creating the designs and animations of the front-end of the application. I utilised my previous knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and react to create the foundations of the design.
In this project I used Tailwind css for the first time and enjoyed the clean structure it provides in the code base. I was able to speed up coding with custom utility classes and tailwinds built in syntax.
As a result, we we able to create a functioning game that not only allowed gaming in real time, but also enable an online chat, logs of a scoreboard, login and signup and much more.